Tiny House Community

Our ultimate goal is to build and affordable housing cooperative and provide members an opportunity for shared property ownership. We believe we can have a higher quality of life and the ability to age in place by sharing resources and space with each other.

Our draft site plan

Come to our open house on June 15, 2024 to learn more!


Stage 1: Planning - COMPLETE!

Stage 2: Permits - In progress 

Stage 3: Infrastructure (roads, septic, well, power) - Expected 2025 

Stage 4: Residents - Expected 2026

Stage 5: Community Hall and Workshop - Expected 2027-2028


Expected Lot Releases

We hope to release 21 quarter acre lots for member use in three stages over several years.


  • The membership fees from these 7 initial lots are what pays for the infrastructure we need at Lockheart to offer housing for more people. Lockheart is bare land now. In order to safely and sustainably provide housing, we need to install a shared well, septic system(s), and a power supply. Our founding members make this possible through up-front financial contribution of their membership fee.
  • As soon as we're funded to $100,000, we will begin infrastructure building - watch here for updates!


  • Once we have infrastructure to support our community, additional funds from members 8 to 14 will provide for community infrastructure, like installing shared facilities and construction of a community centre. Supporters contribute a lesser up-front membership fee, with the option to make up the difference over time.


  • Our goal is to provide affordable housing to everyone. Our final release of memberships 15-21 provide for members to pay the entire membership fee over time. We can offer this stage of membership once we have the infrastructure built to support our community members.